Film Never Stopped Loving You
The first of what I hope will be many showings of my work, this was an independent gallery show of exclusively film photography in the heart of East Vancouver which is exactly as pretentious as it sounds.
The show was organized & featured work by local photographers Michael Bain, Aaron Smedley, & myself. We somehow managed to put up a gallery space together & even sell some high quality prints. And bonus! We definitely succeeded in getting everyone to buy alcohol & say nice things about our photos.
NASA Socials: STS-134 & STS-135
In 2011, myself & over a hundred other Twitter users were randomly selected to tour the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida & witness the final launches of the space shuttles Endeavour and Atlantis.
I had the chance to meet & photograph NASA personnel as well as other attendees such as Seth Green. For several of these photos I used Kodak Aerochrome, a special limited edition infrared film that produces stunning & alien images.
Get it? Aliens, NASA? I'm so fucking hilarious.
This is what my face looks like, in case you were curious.
Photo by Matt Wiggins
Cellar Door
A simple tumblr I've been maintaining for a few years, archiving various pieces of photography & art that inspire me.
Lately, inspired by a conversation with Max Temkin, I've started to use it to publish posts about my photography & the experiences I've had with it.
Clever Moniker
For six months or so back in 2009, I tried my hand at street art. Prior to their marketing-based ubiquity, I printed off oversized vinyl stickers of simple QR codes & pasted them up around town.
Each code, when scanned, would translate into one of many quotes about futurism by famous authors such as William Gibson & Arthur C. Clarke.
I liked the idea of obfuscating these quotes using technology that was prevalent in Japan but completely unknown in Canada. I also find the purely visual aspect of a QR code attractive.
Lost Levels
While in San Francisco for GDC 2014, I gave a brief 5-minute talk at Lost Levels covering the basics of how to start your own game jam with zero budget & zero experience. It was fast, extremely rough, based entirely on my own experience launching the WTF Game Jam with Michael, & it was no doubt terrible.
There is hopefully no footage of this, as it wasn't very good, but I was glad that I forced myself to be an active participant of such an awesome event.
PAX Prime 2014 - Level Up!
In 2014, I spoke on a panel at PAX Prime for the first time. I joined the talented Emily Jarrett, Tally Heilke, & Kathleen De Vere on a panel called 'Level Up! Turning Your Geeky Hobbies Into Geeky Careers.' We discussed our experiences in our various fields and the ways in which we had either made or were making a transition from doing something as a hobby to doing something as a career.
There will be forthcoming footage, thanks to my friend & excellent videographer Sarah Mendiola, of Strip Search fame. You can also see photos of the panel taken by the very talented Stephen Gray, right here.
Full Contact Pickup Sticks
Back in 2000/2001 when I was sixteen, I started an internet radio talk show on the RantRadio industrial music station. We talked about the news, talked general smack, I think at one point we had an ice cream taste testing session? It's all a blur of hormones.
I do know that it was bad, it was really awful. But I was sixteen & I didn't know any better; I created it with my friends, so it was something I cared a lot about.
Not enough to link to any of the shows on here though, obviously. I'm egotistical, not an idiot.
King Hyperbole
I bought this domain name on a whim, like most of my web domain purchases, after giving myself the moniker "King Hyperbole" in my Top Ten Albums of 2013 list on Tumblr. @nicholasmc1 via Twitter gave me this idea for what to do with it, at least until I can come up with something better. Which will probably be never, honestly.
In the spring of 2014, I teamed up with my good friend Matt (of LoadingReadyRun fame) to play around with the idea of streaming ourselves goofing off and playing videogames. We've only been at it a few weeks & primarily streaming console games, but the response has been really positive! So, currently we stream a weekly three hour show, every Weds at 9pm PST. Check it out!
The Cheaper Show
In 2010 & 2011 I volunteered for a local art show in Vancouver with the mandate of making art affordable for everyone. I did work as a barback, construction person, door security, sales associate, & was their head of IT.
Not that there was much IT, but who cares? I was the head of it!
I did create a simple web app for them, working together with Maker of Things Sara Chicazul. The app allowed the Cheaper Show organizers to easily display to their attendees which of the 500 pieces of art had been sold & which were still available.
Misc Silly Tumblrs
I often suffer from the unfortunate effects of being easily amused, often by my own terrible jokes. As a result I end up creating websites that have as their entire premise a dumb joke, a piece of obscure pop culture, or something me & my friends laughed about once at a sushi restaurant.
None of them are active anymore, but if you're super bored you can check out Based Zod, DevOps Cat, Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Blogs, The Venti/Venti Experience, or The Official Rick Ross Tumblr.
Lords of Dogwood
Since September 2013, I've been a part-time staff photographer for a local arts & music review site called Lords of Dogwood. For them, I've covered acts as diverse as Two Door Cinema Club, Chance the Rapper, and The Naked & Famous; It's been pretty rad so far.
NYPL's Centennial Anniversary
For the 100th anniversary of the New York Public Library I travelled to New York & attended a team based alternative reality game run by author & game designer Jane McGonigal. Hundreds of people stayed overnight in the NYPL hunting down 100 different works in the library's collections.
At the completion of the game, we all contributed short essays on our experience & what it could mean for our future into a single book co-authored by each of the 500 participants.
The catalog entry for the book we wrote can be found here, but you have to visit the Rare Books Collection in the New York Public Library if you want to read it. Sorry I wrote a book that's just as important as the Gutenberg Bible.
Feed Dump
I'm an occasional guest on the weird-news-of-the-week show Feed Dump, created by LoadingReadyRun & shown on The Escapist. So far I've been in two three episodes, so you have your choice of watching me attempt to mock the news either fully dressed, half-naked, or out in the harsh sun.
I barely even know what I have to get done this week let alone what my Next Big Thing is. However nothing can stop me from taking photos, organizing events, or dropping names, so whatever does happen next I'll try to remember to add it to the list.